Sunday 18 October 2009

"a new political era of computer-mediated democracy"

Like never before, people around the world have now found ways to systematically use the Internet to gain freedom of speech. Through reports, blogs, online communities, online movements etc, dissatisfied citizens who cannot exercise their right to speak because of government sanctions on the print or broadcast media have used the cyberspace to make their government sit up and the international community pay attention till there's a positive change.
The following links help to show example of computer-mediated democracy

For one, next time the Iranian government prepare for elections they would be more careful knowing the world would definitely be watching this time around. The people, through cyberspace and the Internet have made the government sit up. If you watch the grusome death of Neda captured on video during a protest rally on youtube.

Young Nigerians around the world are joining a cause hoping somehow their united voice can finally make the government provide citizens with constant electricity supply. Already this group has more than 22, 000 members on facebook alone- they're also on twitter. This would never have been actualised outside cyberspace in such a short time. Also young people who naturally would have suffered in silence for fear of getting jailed are now lending their voice and uploading pictures- speaking up against the government (some anonymously) and making authority get uncomfortable.

Alejandro (2009): Iran, Internet and Democracy. Available at (Accessed October, 2009)

RIP NEDA- graphic story! Iran protest! girl shot by militia. Available at (Accessed October, 2009)

The Light Up Nigeria Movement (2009): Available at (Accessed October 2009)

Andy McSmith (2007):The Big Question: Does the Internet liberate or undermine democracy?Available at (Accessed October 2009)

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